In international trade, the general terms signed by the buyer and the seller are L / C or T / T. Usually, when the goods have not arrived at the destination port, the customer needs to pay off most of the payment for goods to the supplier. In order to avoid quality risk and international trade risk, the buyer entrusts a third party inspection company to carry out loading inspection. The general operation is that the inspectors of the third party inspection company arrive at the loading site and monitor the whole process of the supplier to load the goods into the container. It is ensured that the items and quantity loaded into the container by the supplier are completely consistent with the order provided by the customer.

Many consumers will think that loading inspection is the same as pre shipment inspection. Please see Pre Shipment Inspection compare and there is still a difference between them. In short, the pre shipment inspection pays more attention to the quality of products, while the loading inspection pays more attention to the conformity of shipped products with orders and the safety of transportation. 

Clients have special requirements for loading inspection.Usually,as the following two points:

  • There are special regulations which require goods are placed orderly in containers. For example, the customer requires after one type of goods to be loaded into the container, then start to load the second one, so that it is convenient to stack and count the goods separately after they arrive at the customer’s warehouse.
  • It is required to place one carton from each item at the container door separately, so as to facilitate the local customs to check the information when arriving at the destination port.

These special requirements seem simple, but suppliers often have problems in this link. Because they think that loading containers only needs to load all the goods into containers,which means this bill is finished.But it is just the beginning of the import process for importers.

By adopting the loading inspection of the third party, we can ensure that our special packing requirements are fully implemented by the supplier. Especially when encountering products that are easily broken,when there is a problem, the supplier always blames on the logistics company, but turns a blind eye to the barbaric operation of his own factory in the process of loading containers, just shirking the responsibility blindly. Loading inspection can learn about the loading process of goods from the loading site and supervise the factory.

Besides importers, some middlemen, usually traders, will often please the final customers through the third party’s loading inspection, proving that the quantity of goods meets the requirements of the order completely when they are shipped from the factory. If there is a lack of strict customs management in some importing countries, such as the loss of small quantities of goods when they arrive at the destination port, traders can use the third party inspection company’s inspection container report as some degree of documentary evidence to convince the final customers that the problem of the ownership of goods lost is not in them.

What will we do for container loading supervision?

What is container loading supervision?

Container loading inspection is the last step in the manufacturing process. Before signing and settling the final payment, make sure that the final details of your product are correct and that the actual quantity purchased has been safely loaded into your container.

What are the main inspection points for container loading supervision?

  • Record weather, container arrival time, container number, truck number.
  • Check the internal and external conditions to see if there is any damage, moisture, hollowness or peculiar smell.
  • Check the quantity of goods loaded and record the condition of the outer package ( main carton / tray ).
  • Randomly select and open some cartons to verify that the goods conform to the customer’s specifications.
  • Supervise the entire loading process.
  • Seal the container with the customer’s seal.
  • Record the container’s seal number and departure time.
  • Record the samples picking for laboratory test,because some customers require to pick sample during loading and send them to the laboratory for testing,which can reflect the most real quality of this bulk. For specific test information, please refer to Lab Testing.

Why do you need container loading supervision?

The container loading supervisor ensures and verifies the actual quantity of goods loaded into the container.
The inspectors will supervise the loading process to ensure that all goods are loaded in a safe manner.

What is container loading supervision?

  • A thoughtful inspection report has many photos, including all the necessary information that you care about.
  • Verify the loading process in a safe manner.
  • Verify the actual quantity so that you can pay according to the actual quantity of the loading inspection report.
  • At present, CQI has inspectors in major cities and coastal cities in China, Coverage Area records the CQI business and the city scope of the inspector, it is entirely possible to arrange nearby inspectors to arrive at the port or factory in time.